Large Mica Crystal from Brazil. This unusual Mica is a beautiful champagne colour. It has grown in one direction in its natural form of sheets/layers and this one looks like the leaves of a book! An ideal crystal to help you with self-reflection.
Dimensions (approximate)
Length: 20 cm
Width: 11 cm
Height: 6 cm
Weight: 1.5 kg
Mica is shiny and metallic looking, a bit like a mirror, and is an ideal crystal to work with if you're seeking a deeper understanding of yourself. It's reflective energies can help you to see any inauthentic behaviour or programming which is not really you.
It's an uplifting crystal which gives you clarity and calm. it is also believed to deflect any negative energies away from you to be transmuted into something positive. it carries a high vibration and can help clear your mind & enhance your intuition.
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